The Quirky Relatables
The Quirky Relatables Podcast is a tongue-in-cheek look at 2010s pop culture. Hosted by a queer screenwriter/burlesque performer who graduated high school in 2010 and a transmasc advertising copywriter who graduated college in 2010, this podcast dives into the decade that made ”awkward” a winning personality trait.
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
The 2010s saw the introduction of the minions in the Despicable Me franchise. Since then, minions have gone from Facebook boomer meme culture to a Gen Z topic of absurdist humor. Find out why with The Quirky Relatables.
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Hosts Terra and Layne “do a thing” and discuss a word and concept that gained popularity in the early ‘20s but was born in the 2010s. What is cheugy? Are you cheugy? Are Terra and Layne cheugy? But most importantly, is Britney Spears cheugy? Spoiler Alert: She is.
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
I mustache you a question: What do Denny’s Tumblr, Zoey Deschanel, and a TARDIS keychain have in common? They’re all part of the 2010s quirky zeitgeist.
In the pilot episode, hosts Terra and Layne break down the definition of a quirky relatable, discuss their personal journeys from the past decade, and reveal why they wanted to do a podcast about the 2010s. Spoiler Alert: It was Terra’s idea.
Co-Hosts Terra and Layne!
The Quirky Relatables is a not-quite-retro podcast that explores the amorphous blob of pop culture in the 2010s. If you feel like this past decade has been a blur - you're not alone, and we're here to recount the moments you (maybe wish you) forgot. Whether you wanted a mustache finger tattoo, spent hours curating your perfect tumblr aesthetic or quoted vines that made your skin clear and your crops grow: we're celebrating the millennial coming-of-age experience from two distinct perspectives.